Competence centres of the BBG
Our combined know-how for your success!
In BBG’s five competence centres, experts from different procurement areas combine their know-how and work together on relevant procurement topics. These include logistics, quality assurance, total cost analysis, cost structures and price adjustments, as well as sustainability, innovation, regionality and SMEs.
Competence Centre Logistics & Supply Chain Management
Logistic costs can often make up a large proportion of the price of a product or service. In return, a well-planned supply chain has a positive effect on the price. The competence centre examines the logistics costs closely and develops strategies for optimising them.
For further information, please contact: Manfred Probst

Competence Centre TCO (Total Cost of Ownership)
The aim of this competence centre is to record all cost drivers, also those that may arise after the official end of a framework agreement, such as disposal or dismantling. For this reason, the Total Cost of Ownership is evaluated and taken into account while designing the tender. Thereby we are able to offer our customers the most cost-effective procurement options.
For further information, please contact: Karin Rauschal
Competence Centre Quality Assurance
We impose high standards not only on our tender documents, but also on the quality of products and services. Effective quality management lowers costs and minimizes existing procurement risks. Relevant quality factors and quality control measures are defined.
For further information, please contact: Albert Schieg

Competence Centre Sociopolitical Procurement Goals
Promoting SMEs, regionality, sustainability and innovation are sociopolitical procurement goals of the BBG. Every tendering procedure is analysed to ensure these goals are taken into account in the best possible way.
For further information please contact: Markus Hof
Competence Centre Cost structure & price adjustment
On the one hand, this competence center deals with the identification of the different cost parameters from which the respective price of a product is composed, and on the other hand with the development of valid and robust price adjustment models. The aim is to design price adjustment models as "accurately" as possible in order to take into account the actual market price changes to an appropriate extent with their application and thus maintain economic equilibrium over the entire contract period - if possible without the need for extraordinary price adjustments.
For further information please contact: Gerhard Tropper

Andrea Stossfellner, Head of Strategic Purchasing Mobility & Energy, Coordination Competence Centres is available for your questions about our competence centers.
Email: andrea.stossfellner(at)
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