e-Travel – The BBG Online Booking Tool
Flights, hotels and rental cars with one click
The Bundesbeschaffung (Austrian Federal Procurement Agency, BBG) offers you uncomplicated 24/7 access to all business travel services via the e-travel cytric tool.
What is e-Travel?
cytric is a compact solution that makes the direct booking of business trips clear and simple. Additional travel services, such as assistance with rebooking or emergencies, are offered by Verkehrsbüro Business Travel, GmbH.
Your advantages:
- Integration into your company’s own portal
- Control over the entire travel service purchasing process
- Continuous control over all bookings
- Organisation-wide transparency for the management: Who is where, and when? (“Duty of Care“)?
- Also available as cytric mobile app
- Book flights, hotels and rental cars in one system
- Automatic travel policy compliance
- Automatic forwarding of your booking to your travel agency
- Additional helpful information for travellers and travel bookers (e.g. online check-in, weather, currency, maps ...)
- Simple and clear accounting of all flights via the AirPlus credit card
Electronic Registration for e-Travel
For e-Travel access, please use your BBG portal access to submit a user rights application. If you do not have access to the portal already, you can also apply for access at portal.bbg.gv.at.
Get the Right Data in Just One Click
Passenger or personal data once entered can be stored and reused, passenger data can be used by the travel agency. Processes become more efficient and secure.
Manage travel policies centrally
The organisation’s individual booking guidelines can be stored separately but still maintained centrally for different personnel groups.
Travel carefree, and discover all the advantages of our partners.
Mon. – Thu: 8:00 – 17:00 Uhr
Fri.: 8:00 – 14:00 Uhr
Lassallestraße 9b
(entrance at Radingerstraße 2a)
1020 Vienna
Hotline: +43 1 245 70-0
Fax: +43 1 245 70-99
E-Mail: office(at)bbg.gv.at